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Melania Trump: Τα πρώτα outfit της νέας Πρώτης Κυρίας

Τι επέλεξε να φορέσει τη μέρα των εκλογών και της νίκης;

Donald Trump arrives with wife Melania Trump to vote at the polls as he holds her hand and touches her back gently as they arrive with Ivanka and family on Election Day in NYC

Δε θα μπορούσε παρά να συγκεντρώσει το ενδιαφέρον των media με το look της η Πρώτη Kυρία της Αμερικής. Η Melania Trump, έσπευσε στις κάλπες φορώντας ένα αμάνικο εκρού φόρεμα του οίκου Michael Kors, ενώ τους ώμους της κάλυπτε ένα καμηλό παλτό του oίκου Balmain με χρυσά κουμπιά.

Melania Trump: Τα πρώτα outfit της νέας Πρώτης Κυρίας
Donald Trump arrives with wife Melania Trump to vote at the polls as he holds her hand and touches her back gently as they arrive with Ivanka and family on Election Day in New York City. Donald waved to the constuction workers down the street and Melania showed her fashion sense as did Ivanka who arrived with her daughter Arabella and husband Jared Kushner. Donald then walked by the LIPS drag queen restaurant on his way inside as he gave a wave to the media and fans that cheered for him on his arrival and exit. Pictured: Donald Trump, Melania Trump, Ivanka Trump, Arabella, Jared Kushner Ref: SPL1388340 081116 Picture by: Brian Prahl / Splash News Splash News and Pictures Los Angeles: 310-821-2666 New York: 212-619-2666 London: 870-934-2666
(Evan Vucci / AP / REX / Shutterstock)

Τη βραδιά των αποτελεσμάτων, επέλεξε να φορέσει μία ολόσωμη λευκή φόρμα του οίκου Ralph Lauren, αξίας 3,990 δολαρίων.

(Photo: Getty Images)

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